How to get from Tbilisi to Batumi: all the alternatives

Updated: April 3, 2024

All the options to get from Tbilisi to Batumi and vice versa with prices, schedules, transportation to the city and many tips.

The trip between Tbilisi and Batumi is one of the most popular because they are the 2 largest cities in the country that are only 374 km away each other.

Both cities are quite different and interesting in a unique way, plus each allows you to visit very different areas of Georgia.

In addition, Tbilisi is close to Armenia and it is a good place to continue towards Azerbaijan or Russia.

Batumi Boulevard

On the other hand, the city of Batumi is only 18 km from the Turkish border and it is perfect to continue the road trip.

In this article I tell you the four alternatives with public transport and if you want to do it on your own by driving, everything based on my experience living in Georgia for 1 year.

Thermal baths in Tbilisi

I have ordered the different options from best to worst, although they all have points in their favor that I will explain to you.

If I have missed explaining any details, do not hesitate to leave me a comment below so I can update the article.

3 Best GEORGIA Tours

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Excursion to Martvili, Prometheus and Okatse – caves and canyons of Kutaisi 😍

1.- Train (recommended)

In general, trains in Georgia and the Caucasus countries are a very bad transportation option because they are the old trains of the Soviet Union. That is, super slow and uncomfortable.

But in the case of route between Tbilisi and Batumi the trains are modern like any train that you could find in Spain or other countries in the European Union.


In the time that I have lived in Georgia I can tell you that The train is the best option to do this route, in either sense.

The reasons are: it's cheap, fast and convenient. On the other hand, it is a safest form of transportation to go by road and landscapes are very beautiful. You can't ask for more, right? 😃

Practical information:

  • Departures from Tbilisi: from Square Station which you can easily reach by subway.
  • Train schedules from Tbilisi: 8:00; 10:25 and 17:05
  • Departures from Batumi: from Batumi Central which is 4 km from the city of Batumi, below I explain how to get there.
  • Train schedule from Batumi: 8:00; 5:10 p.m. and 6:20 p.m.
  • Travel time: a little more than 5 hours
  • Prices: 35 lari (12.41 euros) in second, 75 lari (26.59 euros) in first and 125 lari (44.31 euros) in business
  • Luggage included: you can carry 1 suitcase of up to 30 kg (although no one checks the suitcases).
  • Free WIFI: Yes, but it not always works. It is not a problem with the train, but with the internet connection on the journey with areas of poor coverage where you will also be left without a mobile connection.
  • Plugs to charge the mobile: Yes, in second class they are under the seat although they do not always work.
  • Sink: yes, in each car
  • Bar: no, just a drinks machine and some candy
YouTube video

Where to buy train tickets?

train tickets can be purchased 10 days in advance at the same train stations.

Batumi is a very popular destination among locals as a summer resort, so In summer the tickets run out quite quickly, despite the fact that there are usually some more exits than the ones I mention above.

That's why, If you travel in summer, get your tickets in advance.

In theory, you can buy them online on the same website. Georgian Railways, although it doesn't work very well. There I have left you the link where you can see the schedules and buy them.

Another alternative is buy tickets online on this website, where you can see the schedules, buy train tickets and other transport in Georgia and the entire Caucasus, or use the search engine below.

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Octopus in Batumi

Difference between ticket classes

Some of the main differences are in the comfort of the seats:

  • There is little difference between second and first, The first seats are a little more comfortable, they can recline and have a little more space. Personally, I don't think it's worth paying more for such a subtle difference. Be careful, the second-class ones are hard after so many hours, but the first-class ones are not much better either.
  • Besides, in second the seats that are facing each other do not have a folding table, normal seats have it.
  • The biggest difference is between first and business class, which are much more comfortable in all aspects, but the price of business is the same as that of the plane that I tell you about below.

What do I need to travel?

  1. To travel they will ask you for printed or electronic ticket, just showing it to them from your mobile will be enough.
  2. Additionally, you will need carry the passport. It is better to have a physical passport and not a digital copy.
  3. I recommend you go to the train station 30 minutes before, especially that of Tbilisi.

Once you arrive at the station you go directly to the train, at the door of your car (indicated on the ticket) will be the flight attendant who will verify the ticket and passport.

Peace Bridge in Tbilisi

Exiting the metro in Tbilisi to go to the train station

If you are going to Square Station by subway, there you will find 3 different exits.

If you come from the downtown side, that is, from the Liberty Square and Rustaveli side, once you leave the subway platform you have to go left and you will leave right next to the train station.

The other exits leave you a little far away, especially one of them where you will have to walk a long way to the station.

Train station in Tbilisi

When you arrive at the train station the building is a bit confusing because There's nothing outside that says it's the train station. and the map shown is of the commercial stores.


But it is the one in the photo and the one that Google Maps shows you.

Enter the building and go up the escalator, On the first floor there is access to platform 1 and some trains to Batumi leave from there.

If you don't know which platform your train is on, you can take one more flight of escalators to the second floor and there you will find the screen with the next departures with their platform.

How to get from Batumi Central to Batumi City?

Batumi Train Station

The Batumi train station is a bit far from the city, it's 4 km.

Although technically you can walk, there is a section that is a highway that has a pedestrian area on the side, but it is not very pleasant (photo below).


It is best that you go with a Bolt (Uber type application) or on the bus.

If you go with Bolt will cost you between about 5 and 7 lari, the price depends on demand. This is a much safer option than taxis.

I had a very bad experience with a taxi driver in Batumi who refused to turn on the meter even though I asked him twice and then wanted to charge me 50 lari (17.72 euros).

That's why I recommend you avoid taxis, in Batumi they have much more scam culture than in other areas of Georgia.

If you prefer the option of taking a bus, the stop is right in front of the train station.


One of the buses that take you to Batumi is number 10 which costs 30 tetris (0.30 lari) and you can pay with the transport card used in Tbilisi (Metro Money) or a Georgian bank card.

Another option are marshrutkas (minibuses) like number 31, which costs 1 lari and paid in cash.

Train stops during the journey

The train makes about 5 or 6 stops on the route, all of them are little-known smaller towns. The only stop that is important is the Kutaisi airport.

2.- Bus

Another good option to get from Tbilisi to Batumi is with regular buses, there are 2 companies that make this route: Metro Georgia and CityBus Georgia.

The buses of both companies are quite similar with comfortable seats, They are a little more comfortable than the train but they take longer.

As for the two bus companies, Metro Georgia is much more popular to make the journey between Tbilisi and Batumi. In addition, they have several lines between Georgia and Türkiye.

Although the name is "Metro" it has nothing to do with the metro, they only have buses.

Stalin's underground printing press in Tbilisi

Metro Georgia: practical information

  • Departures from Tbilisi: from Ortachala, you can get there by bus, taxi or Bolt, this last option from Liberty Square will cost you about 6 lari
  • Schedules from Tbilisi: 12:00; 6:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m.
  • Departures from Batumi: the bus station in Batumi is past the Agricultural Market a short distance from the center, a Bolt will cost you about 2 or 3 lari
  • Schedules from Batumi: 2:00; 12:00 and 11:59 p.m.
  • Travel time: 6:30 hours, it used to take a little less than 6 hours, but due to road works it takes longer.
  • Price: 40 lari (12.41 euros)
  • Luggage included: you can carry 1 large suitcase, but I don't know the limitations
  • Air-conditioning: Yeah
  • Wifi: yes, and just like on the train, it disconnects depending on the coverage of the area
  • Sink: No, but they make a couple of stops to go to the bathroom.
Chacha Tower in Batumi

CityBus Georgia: practical information

All the details are the same as those of Metro Georgia, both the stations, duration, luggage and toilets.

The only thing that changes are the hours and the price that I leave you below:

  • Schedules from Tbilisi: 1:00 a.m.
  • Schedules from Batumi: 10:00 a.m.
  • Price: 14 euros and a little

Where to Buy Tickets?

You can buy tickets at the bus stations, on the website of the company you want to travel with (I leave the link for each one above) or on this website where all the transportation options are.

3.- Airplane

The plane is the fastest option between Tbilisi and Batumi with direct flights that only take 50 minutes and at a good price.

If you use a flight search engine you will not find direct flights, only flights made by airlines from other countries (Turkey, Armenia, Israel, etc.) with a stopover in your country and prices that do not usually go below 200 euros.

The catch is that Georgian Airways does not have flights between Tbilisi and Batumi, but There is a small airline that does this route, it is about Vanilla Sky.

Georgian traditional clothing

Vanilla Sky: practical information

  • Airport in Tbilisi: the flights depart from Natakhtari airfield which is about 23 km from Tbilisi, they do not depart from Tbilisi International Airport. But they have a free shuttle service from the city center (I'll tell you more below).
  • Airport in Batumi: It is Batumi International Airport which is well connected to the city by bus, taxi and Bolt.
  • Departure schedule: the schedules vary depending on the season, in summer they have a daily departure and for example now in December they leave every day except Saturdays, here you can see the schedules.
  • Price: 125 lari (44.31 euros)
  • Luggage: the maximum weight of accepted luggage is 15 kg including the carry-on suitcase and they are very strict on this issue
  • Cancellations: in case of fog or very bad weather they cancel flights, keep this in mind especially in winter

Where to Buy Tickets?

The bills can only be purchased on your website and They do not offer changes of any kind (passenger, date or destination) once the tickets have been purchased.

Vanilla Sky is an airline with small planes with only 15 seats, because they are the typical planes to fly through the mountains, with flights also between Tbilisi and Mestia in Svaneti.

Therefore, in high season tickets run out very quickly and it is better that you book in time.


How to get from Tbilisi to Natakhtari Airport near Tbilisi?

The truth is that Vanilla Sky makes it very easy, because they have a free transfer that leaves near the Rustaveli metro stop right in front of the Bicycle monument.

The minibus transfer leaves 2 hours before the flight, that's why you should be there at least 15 minutes before.

How to get from Batumi airport to the city?

The small Batumi airport is about 8 km from the center and you can go there with a taxi, Bolt or by Bus.

A Bolt will cost you between about 10 and 12 lari according to demand.

But if you want to go with the bus, the number 10 takes you to the city center and costs 30 tetris (0.30 lari).

4.- Driving

One of the ways More practices of traveling between Tbilisi and Batumi is driving. This way you can at the same time take advantage and make several stops in Georgia, some of the most popular places are:

Uplistsikhe near Gori

The links are to articles on each of those places with details of everything there is to do and lots of useful information.

Sanatorium Medea (3)

Although I have to remind you that In Georgia the way of driving is fast and aggressive.

Furthermore, it is normal that you find cows and other animals on the roads secondary or near inhabited areas.

That's why, I only recommend driving if you have a lot of experience and you feel safe driving here.

With respect to route that connects Tbilisi and Batumi the road is good and there is good signage.

However, at this time (December 2022) there is a section that is under construction and the journey becomes longer.

In case you need rent a car in Georgia, I recommend this search engine that works exclusively with serious Georgian companies.

Car rental prices They start at 20 euros with insurance included and usually It is not necessary to leave a deposit.

5.- Marshrutka (mini bus)

In Georgia, marshrutkas, which is the name of the minibuses, are lthe best way to move and sometimes the only one.

Ancient Marshrutka

But to go from Tbilisi to Batumi and vice versa I think it is the worst option because the train is safer than going by road and also takes longer than the train and buses.

The minibuses do not go directly between Tbilisi and Batumi, but They stop in Kutaisi and all places where there are passengers at the stops, that's why they take so long.

Practical Tips

  • Outings in Tbilisi: from Didube where you can get there with the metro
  • Outings in Batumi: from the bus station passing the Agricultural Market a short distance from the center, a Bolt to the center will cost you about 2 or 3 lari
  • Departure schedule: departures every hour between 7:00 and 19:00
  • Travel time: 7 hours or even a little more
  • Price: 35 lari (12.41 euros)
  • Luggage: In the back they have space for suitcases, but not too much, if you travel with a large suitcase go early, otherwise you may have to take the suitcase onto the minibus.

Where do you buy the tickets?

You buy the tickets directly at the marshrutka before departure.

As the minibuses have few seats, I recommend you go early (about 20 minutes early) so as not to run out of seats.

In summary to go from Tbilisi to Batumi and vice versa

  1. Train: the fastest, most comfortable and cheapest way.
  2. By Bus: It is a little more comfortable than the train, that is, slightly softer seats. The downside is that it takes longer and the price is similar.
  3. By Plane: the same price as business on the train, it is faster and a nice experience.
  4. Driving: very practical for making stops along the route.
  5. Marshrutka: several daily departures, but for this route it doesn't seem like a good option to me.

🔝 If you want to know the best of the Caucasus without worrying about anything, book this All-inclusive trip to Georgia and Armenia, which costs less than 150 euros a day.

Final Thoughts

These are all the alternatives to get from Tbilisi to Batumi, so you can plan your trip without any setbacks.

In case I have left any topic untouched, leave me a comment below and I will help you in any way I can. And if you found the article useful, share it with other travelers. Have a good trip!

More about Georgia and the Caucasus

7 comentarios en «Cómo ir de Tiflis a Batumi: todas las alternativas»

  1. Hello Andrea, when I go to the website to look at the trains, it indicates that there are none, is it sure that the train is in operation? I want to do a route and I need to be sure, thank you

  2. Hello again Andrea, can you tell me if the train from Tbilisi to Baku works? I can't find anything on the web, I have to congratulate you for everything you have published, I encourage you to travel to Georgia.
    thanks for everything.

    • Hello Lydia

      Thank you very much for your words! 😊
      Georgia is a wonderful country with a lot to see and the good thing is that there are almost no tourists. 🥰

      Regarding your question, at this time, Azerbaijan's land borders are closed until at least July 1.
      If you were planning to travel after that date you will have to wait to see what the Azeri authorities decide. In theory, the closure of land borders is due to the pandemic and for now they have been extending it.

      So now the only way to travel to Azerbaijan is by plane from Tbilisi and in summer there is usually a flight from Batumi.

      If you are going to go, make sure you get your plane tickets early to get good prices, because they are usually quite expensive for the short journey it is. The cheapest I have seen them is for 180 euros.
      You will also need to apply for the visa beforehand.
      Good news is that Azerbaijan stopped ordering COVID vaccines a few months ago.

  3. Hello Andrea, your blog is excellent, the information has given me a clearer picture since I will be traveling to Georgia. My question is: To enter Georgia, do I have to buy an exit ticket?
    Thank you

    • Hello Ivan
      I'm glad the information is useful to you!

      They never asked me for an exit ticket or anything else during the year I lived, even though I went to Armenia several times.
      With European passports and other countries with strong passports they don't usually ask for much, it is also up to the discretion of the immigration officer who deals with you. I know of someone who had 1 year to stay and they asked for reservations and proof of funds, but at that time they did not ask for travel insurance or an exit ticket.

      Now, on the new visa website they have added more requirements that can be requested, including the exit ticket.
      Honestly I wouldn't risk it and I would have something, at least a ticket to go to Armenia and if you don't check with them directly, they have a contact form on the visa website.
      I'm sorry I can't be of more help to you but immigration issues are very delicate and it is always best to consult with the official body, and these things are changing.

      Have a good trip!


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