Visit to Chiatura with its Soviet cable cars

Actualizado: 15 September, 2024

Visit guide to Chiatura and the surrounding area, including the impressive Katskhi pillar with all transportation options.

Chiatura is a mining town that, although it has charm, does not have much tourist interest, but for many years it has attracted all lovers of photography, the urbex and Soviet architecture with its abandoned cable cars.

However, things have changed a little in recent years, I'll tell you all the details so you can decide if it's worth making the trip there.

I also tell you about a couple more places you can visit near Chiatura, the Katskhi pillar famous among Georgians and the Mgvimevi convent.


2-Day Soviet Georgia Tour: Tskaltubo, Chiatura and Gori

Excursion to Chiatura and the Katskhi Pillar

Urbex and Soviet tour of Tbilisi – visits off the tourist routes

The town of Chiatura and a little history

The small town of Chiatura It is located in a valley with vertical walls next to the Kvirila River in the Imereti region.

In 1879 the area was explored and several deposits of manganese were found. Since then it has been the main center of extraction of that metal in the entire Caucasus.

Manganese is used to make disposable batteries and is vital for the production of steel and iron.


Bolsheviks in Chiatura

During the first two decades, miners worked 18 hours and slept in the mines in the most unsanitary conditions because they did not even have bathrooms.

In 1905, During the Russian Revolution, Chiatura was the only Bolshevik stronghold because Stalin convinced them and after 1 year of struggles they got an 8-hour work day without night work and a higher salary.

Soviet cable cars

Since the surrounding mountains where the mines are located are very steep, the miners spent much of their working day transporting manganese to the town.

Therefore, in 1954, During the Soviet period, Stalin "favored" Chiatura with the construction of cable cars that connected the town with the mines in order to increase production.

cable car-soviet-chiatura
Old cable car station next to the market

Heyday of Chiatura

In Chiatura there were 20 passenger lines and 2 cargo lines with 6,000 meters of lines. The first reversible bi-cable cargo cable car in the entire Soviet Union was even built.

During its peak in 1989, the town had 30,000 inhabitants.

Collapse of the USSR and current events

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, many of the mines closed; today only a couple remain in operation.

Although mining continues to be the town's main economic activity, its population has been reduced to just over 12,000 inhabitants.

Below I tell you everything that is interesting in the town and the area, as always below I leave you a map so you can find everything.

What to see in Chiatura?

1.- Abandoned Soviet cable cars

The rusty old Soviet cable cars continued to transport passengers until a few years ago.

Some relics worthy of admiration and photography by the nostalgic.


However, today There are only a couple of abandoned stations left in the town and an old cable car that hangs alone.

One of them is next to the market and the other is on the other side of the river past the new cable car station, The latter is where you will find the cable car hanging.

I have marked both stations on the map and another one that is in the mountain.

Much of the passenger cable cars that hung at various points in the area They were dismantled in 2017.

cable car-chiatura
Old cable car station next to the market

Regarding the cargo cable cars, leaving the urban center, near the Mgvimevi Convent, you can see one that is in operation.

If you are a lover of cable cars and the urbex, I am sorry to tell you that Chiatura no longer has much to show for it.

If you travel by car, you can venture into the mountains to see if you can find any more that have not yet been removed.

2.- New cable cars (green on the map)

In September 2021, the new cable cars were inaugurated with 1 central station in the town (1) and 4 stations in the mountains in different directions that transports the locals.

In total, the 4 lines make a route of 3,500 m with modern cable cars with capacity for 10 people and departures every 5 minutes.

Central cable car station

If you go to visit Chiatura, I recommend at least taking one of the tours to enjoy the views of the town from above.

These are the 4 routes with their top stops:

  • Sanatorium (2): is the line that goes south. I had high expectations about this cable car station, because in addition to the views of the town, when you go up you reach where there is a former Pioneer Palace (3. Palace of the Pioneers). This building was the Soviet equivalent of summer camps. The building has a majestic staircase with a row of columns at the bottom. Once you leave the station, it is on the right side, but they are remodeling it and with all the workers there you cannot visit or see it up close.
  • Lezhubani (4): This takes you northwest. The station itself is the one that stands out the most with its design and turquoise color.
  • Mukhadze (5): This cable car goes southeast to a residential area of the town.
  • Naguti (6): This is the longest path traveling west. It is also the most interesting because nearby you can see the Chiatura Memorial (7) which is also known as the World War II monument. You can also get there by the road that goes from Chiatura to Zestafoni.
  • Trip price: 50 tetris, that is, 0.5 laris (0.18 euros)
  • Opening Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
  • Fact: The stations above do not usually sell tickets, you will need to buy them downstairs.

3.- Clock tower

In Chiatura you will find several striking Soviet buildings, but the one that stands out the most is the one in the photo below with its tower with viewpoint and clock.

You can take some beautiful photos if you cross to the other side of the bridge.


4.- Soviet mosaics (purple on the map)

Something that attracts a lot of attention when you visit countries of the former USSR are the decorative mosaics in buildings.

In Chiatura there are some that are preserved quite well, the first 3 are quite large and beautiful to see:

Mosaic at the Institute of Metallurgy and Mining
  1. Institute of Metallurgy and Mining: There is a mosaic right on the façade completely intact that represents three students.
  2. Public School #1: This mosaic is on the façade on the right side of the school. Although it looks damaged on the top right, it is very pretty. Depicts the Georgian poet Rustaveli holding a copy of his famous epic poem.
  3. Kinder garden: On the façade facing the street there is a colorful mosaic showing mothers with babies and small children.
  4. Stalin and Lenin mosaic: outside an old building, on the frieze is the classic medallion of Stalin and Lenin made in a pebble mosaic. I haven't been able to mark the exact place on Google Maps, but I have marked the Car Wash that is next door.
Mosaic at School

5.- Abandoned Temur Magradze Stadium and mosaic pool

Leaving the town is the old abandoned stadium that It held 12,000 spectators.. Today it could accommodate almost the entire population of the town.

The stadium is a good place to visit if you like urbex, that is, exploring abandoned buildings where you can take some beautiful photos.

Then, next to the stadium there is a gym and a swimming pool, both in operation.


In the pool there is a beautiful mosaic of Jason and the Argonauts.

To enter you need to ask permission at the reception (a smile will help 😉) and if you say mosaic which is the Russian word for mosaic, they will know what you are looking for.

6.- Theater and its frieze

The Akaki Tsereteli State Drama Theater is very close to the abandoned train station although it is not very interesting.

This theater was built in 1949 and is still in operation. Its name is in honor of Akaki Tsereteli, the poet who found the manganese deposits of Chiatura.


The most remarkable thing about the building is the façade with large arches and the frieze with a relief that shows Stalin surrounded by children.

Furthermore, there is a inscription that says "Didi Stalins Didebi» which means "Stalin the glorious."

7.- Regional museum – closed now

I couldn't visit the Regional Museum of Chiatura, first because I went on a Sunday, which is one of the days that was closed along with Mondays.

Besides, Now it's closed, apparently it's temporary. Maybe when you go you can visit it.

In the museum, as I read, there are some interesting paintings, artifacts found in archaeological excavations and objects, just like a good photographic record of mining in Chiatura.

¿Qué ver cerca de Chiatura?

1.- Mgvimevi Convent 

The Mgvimevi convent is carved into the rock Like the monasteries of Vardzia and David Gareja.

This convent is also in operation, which is why you will see nuns in there.


Where is it and how to get there?

The Mgvimevi convent is just 1.3 km from the center of Chiatura, it will take about 15 minutes if you walk and 2 minutes if you go by car.

At the end of the article, where I talk about public transportation, I explain the alternative to reach the convent and the Katskhi pillar in the next point.


The entrance to the convent that faces the street could be the entrance to a house, it is only distinguished from the outside by a small sign of a church like the one in the photo and it's easy to skip it.

From there you have to climb several flights of stairs.

What to see there?

The entrance is a tunnel dug into the rock and a short flight of stairs that takes you to a immense cave with an altar that is the basilica consecrated to the birth of the Mother of God.

There are also icons, a large wooden cross and on the side there is a small cave with exposed human bones where three skulls can be seen, but without any information about who they were.


Then there is a small church in the area near the cliff, where the frescoes inside stand out, he carved in stone on the outside of beautiful crosses and richly carved wooden doors.

Finally, there is a chapel partially dug into the rock dedicated to Saint Catherine, on the outside the carving is very beautiful, where the attention is drawn to the ram's head on top of the wall.


In the convent there is also an area where the convent itself operates and a bell tower, both places are restricted to the public.

  • Convent schedule: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Admission: free
  • Fact: To enter you will need to bring clothing that covers you and women need to cover their heads, but at the entrance you will find handkerchiefs on loan.

2.- Katskhi Pillar

The Katskhi pillar is a small church on top of a 40 meter stone column which today belongs to the monastery that is at its feet.


Where is it and how to get there? Better views of the pillar from below

Katskhi is located 11.6 km from Chiatura, that is, about 23 minutes by car that you can easily reach by marshrutka (I'll tell you more below).

If you go by car you have to take the road that goes towards Zestafoni, then you have to take a road to the right that will take you to the pillar. That is the same place where the mini bus will leave you if you go by public transportation.

There is only a small sign that is easy to miss, if you go by public transport they will tell you where to get off, but you should pay attention to the map if you have an internet connection.


From the main road to the monolith it is 1.2 km (15 minutes walk).

Along the way you will find several parking areas, I recommend you park in the third zone.

You will recognize it because it is the only one that is separated into two parts by a small area of grass and you can see the beginning of a stone path.

The stone path It is a beautiful path with trees from where you will have the best views of the Katskhi pillar before arriving.

Because the pillar seen from the side loses its grace quite a bit Only monks can climb to the top of the church.

If you go by car and don't want to walk far, you can drive to the next parking lot that is next to the monastery.

– Church at the top of the pillar

The church on the Katskhi pillar was a old hermitage that was built between the 9th or 10th century.

The locals know it as the Pillar of Life and it is surrounded by legends, hence it is a place of pilgrimage of the faithful.

For a long time the church was abandoned and it was only in 1944 that it was investigated again thanks to a group led by the Georgian mountaineer Alexander Japaridze.

A major restoration was then done from 2005 to 2009, which is the majority of the building seen today.

What to see there?

Once you arrive at the area where the monastery is located, you can enter, it has a latch that you can easily open from the outside.

Stairs on the pillar

Inside, next to the base of the pillar, the church at the top cannot be seen, but you can see metal stairs outside which is how monks climb.

On the premises there is also a small chapel with colorful frescoes and one store with museum where artifacts are displayed that were found in the church that is on the pillar and photographs of the reconstruction.


– Panoramic views (from above)

The pillar can be seen from above. There is a viewpoint that can theoretically be accessed via a dirt road from the road.

I looked for it, but I didn't find anything.

I was "playing the goat" 😅 along a dirt road I found in front of the parking lot where the monastery is. The path was quite vertical, but from there there was no way to get to the viewpoint.

It turns out that the place where the viewpoint is is on the mountain next to the monastery and that area is a very vertical wall.

Interior of the chapel

The monk I met in the monastery did not speak English and was not willing to make any effort, I could not ask him anything, not even with signs by showing him the map.

I have two theories:

  1. The path leaves from where the monastery is, which at some point could be accessed and is now a private area;
  2. It is accessed from the other road that leaves the main road, not far away.

I wasn't driving and didn't have time to explore further, but if I return I will update the article. In case you go and find it, tell me your experience. 🙏

– When to visit the Katskhi pillar?

The pillar can be visited throughout the year and the landscape changes a lot, each one beautiful in a different way. I went in autumn because I knew that the trees would be multicolored and it was a success.

But I recommend avoiding days when there may be fog, mainly in late autumn, because you will not be able to see the pillar.

  • Opening Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Admission: free

Map of Chiatura and surroundings

* To check the legend for each place, click the button in the top left corner of the map. To view this map on your phone or computer, tap the star on the right side of the title. Then go to Google Maps, select "Your Places" and "Maps" from the menu.

Is Chiatura worth visiting?

If you want to visit Chiatura only for the old Soviet cable cars, I will tell you that it is not worth it, because there is little left.

As far as urbex is concerned, I could recommend a visit to Tskaltubo which is near Kutaisi and it is a paradise for exploring abandoned places.

Although these are not cable cars, but rather spas, some are quite spectacular, to the point that some brides take photos there.

As far as Chiatura is concerned, I think that its mosaics, the calm atmosphere of the town next to the river, and especially Katskhi Pillar and Mgvimevi Convent make the visit worthwhile.

Kindergarten mosaic

Where to eat in Chiatura?

My experience looking for a place to eat in Chiatura was quite sad.

I had made a list of 3 possible places for lunch, but they were all closed, maybe because it was a Sunday, I don't know. But they seemed to have closed permanently.

What I did find was several very small supermarkets with very basic things and some stalls where you sold fruits and vegetables.

So between something I bought and what I had with me I wasn't hungry either, but I couldn't make a decent hot meal.

When I finally found an open restaurant it was ZuMi, honestly I wouldn't have gone in except because it was 3:30 p.m. and I hadn't had lunch yet (it doesn't look bad inside).

But they told me that they didn't serve food until 5 p.m., which was the time I planned to return to Tbilisi, so I could only drink something and use the bathroom.

In short, I cannot recommend a restaurant in Chiatura, but yes I can advise you to bring food with you..

Another alternative is the kebab fast food On the main street, near the clock tower building, there were a couple open.

Stalin and Lenin mosaic

How to go by car to Chiatura?

Chiatura is 223 km from Tbilisi and you have the option of going in the direction of Sachkhere or Zestafoni.

I recommend you go through Sachkhere as the road is in better condition, although there are sections with many curves and others with construction.

Keep in mind that there is no gas station in the town of Chiatura itself, but you will find two at the exit if you are heading towards Sachkhere and before reaching the Mgvimevi convent.

Car rental

If you go to rent a car in Georgia, this is the best search engine because it works only with local companies where you can rent cheaply, with insurance included and generally they do not ask for a deposit.

Details in the Mgvimevi convent

Continue the trip and road conditions

You can take advantage of this road trip to continue towards Kutaisi, which is only 73 km from Chiatura and on the way you will have the Katskhi pillar.

This road is a bit dangerous at night, narrow, with many curves and there are no streetlights, so it is better to do this section during the day.

Then upon reaching On the road that leads to the pillar there is a small sign like the one in the photo that is easy to overlook.


You will have to look carefully to the right side because right in that area Google Maps makes a mess, before I arrived it showed me that it had already happened to me.

How to go by public transport to Chiatura?

You can visit Chiatura by marshrutka (mini bus) which It is the only public transportation optionThere are no buses or trains here.

Although you should keep in mind that if you want to visit all the places I mention in the article, the time is quite fair if you go from Tbilisi and it is best to go on the first bus.

– Tbilisi to Chiatura

Minibuses from Tbilisi leave from Didibu, from the Nige station which is just outside the metro on the right side.

The marshrutka It takes between 2:30 and 3:30 hours to arrive, it costs 15 lari (5.29 euros) and departures are between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

I recommend at least 15 or 20 minutes before departure so as not to run out of space.


– Kutaisi to Chiatura

The marshrutka leave from the station in Kutaisi, to get there you can take bus no. 1 from the Colchis source.

In total it takes about 2 hours and costs 12 lari (4.23 euros) and they have departures between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

– Return to Tbilisi

In Chiatura there is a marshrutka station, but they are only those that move through the nearby area.

Those who go to Tbilisi They only stop on the main street when they pass through town and They don't make any stops at the marshrutka station. Maybe it's different in summer, when there are more tourists.

The stops are well signposted, I waited for the return minibus to where the ZuMi restaurant is, there is a stop right in front.

The return buses in theory have the same schedule as the outward, but Don't risk waiting for the last one.

My idea was to return with the 5:00 p.m. bus, luckily I went to the stop at 4:40 p.m., because it happened at 4:45 p.m.

Regarding the return to Kutaisi, I don't know where they leave from. You will have to ask at the station if they stop there, but it will probably be the same as those in Tbilisi and you will have to go to the main street opposite.

📢 Attention: minibuses in towns like Chiatura that are not too touristy, signs with the destination are only in Georgian.

I recommend you ask for help from a local to tell you, although most people in the town do not speak English, if you say "bus Tbilisi" or "bus Kutaisi" they will understand. In general, the locals are quite friendly and will help you whenever they can.

Another option is to look up how to spell Tbilisi or Kutaisi in Georgian, I learned the first letters and it worked. Just in case, here's how to write them:

Tbilisi = თბილისი ; Kutaisi = ქუთაისი

– Chiatura to the Pillar of Katskhi

Then any marshrutka that goes in the direction of Zestafoni it will work for you, it costs 5 lari (1.76 euros) and takes almost 30 min to arrive.

Tell the driver where you are going so he can let you know, if you can't pronounce the name or he doesn't understand it, show him a photo. There in the area everyone knows that pillar.

👍 Trick: you can do like me and visit the pillar first, with the marshrutka from Kutaisi or Tbilisi, just ask the driver to let you know. The price is the same as going to Chiatura.

Then from the pillar you will have to go back to the main street and wait for any marshrutka going in the direction of Chiatura. I waited less than 10 minutes.

– Chiatura to the Convent

To go from Chiatura to the convent is a short distance and you can walk or go with a taxi.

What I did was go after visiting the pillar, then the bus passed through Chiatura and I got off a little later where the convent is.

The drivers also know this convent well, you can show them the name on the map.

Then to return to Chiatura I walked.

Excursion to Chiatura

Chiatura and the Katskhi pillar are not very popular places with tourists, so you will not find many tours that do this route.

Although, for me it is the most practical option. I recommend this one excursion to Chiatura which includes a visit to the Katskhi Pillar and now has a discount.

I made the visit on my own in marshrutka, but as you have seen it is a bit complicated and the time is very tight to do it on public transportation.

Below you can check availability and make a reservation:

Final Thoughts

These are the best things to do on your visit to Chiatura, a very curious town with a couple of interesting places nearby.

Perhaps, it is not a visit that I would recommend to everyone, it depends on your tastes, I enjoyed it a lot.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment below and I'll help you as much as I can. If you found the article useful, share it with other travelers. Have a good trip! 😘

More about Georgia and the Caucasus countries

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