31 Surprising Curiosities of Armenia

Updated: December 4, 2023

Curiosities of Armenia, this small country in the Caucasus still unknown to tourists, will surprise you with its nature, culture and history.

1. Small country

This charming country in the Caucasus is the smallest of the countries of the former Soviet Union, with a size of 29,743 km², a little larger than Galicia.

Armenia borders Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey and Iran and has a population of just 3 million.

Despite the fact that it is said that there are another 7 million living abroad, spread across Europe, the Middle East, the United States and Latin America.

2. Country name

The original name of the country is There is' k, later it was called Armenia, which literally means "The land of There is' k«, wearing There is' k next to the suffix Stan in Persian, i.e. Haykstan.

By the way, There is' k He is the founding patriarch of the Armenian nation.

Cascade Complex

3. An ancient town

The first settlements in Armenian territory date back to the Neolithic, that is, between the year 6000 and 4000 BC

For example, the Ughtasar Petroglyphs They are engraved in the rock representing human figures, animal hunting and dance, the oldest They are more than 12,000 years old, placing them in the Paleolithic.

Unfortunately, the Ughtasar Petroglyphs cannot be visited at the moment, the area is closed due to disputes with Azerbaijan because they are next to the border and it is dangerous to go there.

4. Yerevan: ancient city

The city of Yerevan, the largest in the country, is one of the oldest in the world.

Proof of this is the Erebouni fortress that was built from the year 782 BC to prevent attacks from the North Caucasus.

Therefore, it was built even before Rome.

Republic Square what to see in Yerevan
Republic Square

5. Pink City

Many call Yerevan the pink city, because of the stone used in many important buildings in the city such as monasteries and churches, including buildings found in the iconic Republic Square.

This characteristic pink stone It is of volcanic origin and is Armenian tuff which is quite rare in the rest of the world.

The color becomes more intense during the golden hour, that is, before sunset and after sunrise, when the sunlight is not as strong.

6. Invasions

Throughout history, Armenians have been invaded by Greeks, Romans, Persians, Mongols, Ottomans and Russians.

7. Dispute with Azerbaijan

The Armenians and Azeris have a dispute dating back to 1918 over the Nagorno Karabakh region.

In 1988, Armenians in the area voted to join Armenia, reigniting the conflict. Tension increased again in 2020 and again recently in September 2022.

For this reason there is no type of international relationship between both countries, you cannot even travel from one to the other directly.

Although they are technically at war, it is safe to travel to Armenia if you avoid conflict areas.

👍 In this other article you can read more about Tips for traveling to Armenia, where I include the countries that can be crossed and a lot of practical information.

8. Bandera and Shakira

Armenian Independence Day Celebration

Curiously, the The Armenian and Colombian flags look very similar., they have the same colors, but as if they were upside down.

It turns out that when Shakira visited Azerbaijan to give a concert she went up with the Colombian flag, but she wore it backwards. Oh Shakira, Shakira! 🙈😆

Surely the Armenians would be delighted for Shakira to display the Armenian flag in the lands of her Azeri enemies.

shakira armenian flag

9. First Genocide of the 20th century

The Armenian genocide at the hands of the Ottomans was the first of the 20th century, even before the term genocide was coined, which was invented in the wake of the Jewish Holocaust in 1944.

This tragic event began on April 24, 1915 and at least 1.5 million people died, although today many countries do not recognize it as a genocide.

In Yerevan there is the Genocide Monument, a site that is worth visiting and if you want to delve into the details there is also a museum next to the monument.

👉 In this book you can read more about The Armenian Genocide.


10. Christianity

Armenia, was the first country to adopt Christianity as state religion in the year 301 AD

For that reason, it is where you will find the oldest churches and monasteries in the world, which are not few, which is why Armenia is known as the "land of the churches".

11. Pagan temple

From the arrival of the Christian era in Armenia, the pagan temples were destroyed, except for one, the Garni Temple.

In those times, it was also common for many of these temples to be used for the current religion or to be used as the basis of a construction, therefore, There are almost no pagan temples left standing in the world.

This 1st century AD Hellenistic-style temple is one of the most popular day trips from Yerevan.

12. First cathedral of Christianity

The Echmiadzin Cathedral is the first cathedral of Christianity, this is one of the most interesting curious facts about Armenia.

This cathedral today functions as the main headquarters of the Armenian church.

Its first construction dates back to the year 303 AD and is included as Heritage of humanity by unesco.

in this church 3 relics are preserved making it an important pilgrimage site, the relics are:

  • the Spear of Passion with which a Roman soldier pierced the body of Jesus;
  • the hand of Saint Gregory; and
  • wood from Noah's Ark found on Mount Ararat.
Library-Mirzoyan what to do in Yerevan
Armenian traditional building

13. Guinness Record

The Tatev Monastery is one of the most impressive in the country and has a great history, having been built in the 9th century.

Tatev stands on a cliff and the double cable funicular without stops is the longest in the world, with 5.7 km long that is located in the Guinness Book of Records.


The funicular is known as Tatev's Wings, connects the small town Halidzor with the monastery and takes 15 minutes to make the scenic route.

⭐ In this article about the What to see in Armenia: 25 essentials from Yerevan You can read more about Alas de Tatev, the monastery, about the Echmiadzin Cathedral from the previous point and other visits in Armenia.

14. Ararat: sacred mountain

Mount Ararat is the national symbol of the country which appears on its coat of arms, is the name of a football club and the most famous brandy in the country.

It is even one of the most popular representations in many Armenian souvenirs and paintings.

Mount Ararat

Although, since 1921 it has been in Turkish territory.

Mount Ararat is recognized by Christians, Islamists and Jews as the place where Noah left his ark after the Great Flood.

You can have views of Mount Ararat from much of the city of Yerevan, although the best are from the Cascade Complex.

👉 In this book Persian and Caucasus Myths (in English) you can read more about myths and legends from Persia, Georgia and Armenia.

15. Lake Sevan

It is the largest lake in the country and one of the largest high mountain lakes on the planet, 78 km long.

As it is located at 1,930 m high, its waters are always very cool. If you want to swim there, I recommend visiting it in the summer months, where you will find a few beaches.


The rest of the year it is a beautiful visit ideal for nature lovers.

The excursions like this one from the link They usually include more visits such as the Garni Temple at point 10.

16. Model of the Mother of Armenia

The Mother of Armenia is the most representative statue of Yerevan that replaced Stalin's in 1967.

To make the sculpture, the artist Ara Harutiunian looked for a model that represented the homeland of Armenia, someone who could be seen as maternal and strong.

Ara Harutiunian found Genya Muradian while she was shopping at the market with her mother.

The mother rejected the proposal, but her brother convinced her to agree, since at that time Ara Harutiunian was a well-known artist and university professor.

Genya kept it a secret that she was the model for the Mother of Armenia for 40 yearsShe hadn't even told her husband.

Mother of Armenia

17. Kisses

Giving each other a kiss to greet each other is normal among Armenians, even among men if they are family members or very close.

Is it like that in your country too? Leave me a comment below that makes me curious.

18. Nearby

Armenians are very close, to the point that when talking they can look directly into the eyes, perhaps touch the other person and leave little personal space.

As well as asking very personal questions, even when meeting you for the first time.

On my trip to Armenia at no time did I feel overwhelmed or that it was an excessive approach, quite the opposite, I always felt well received by these loving people.

Although it is true that Spanish speakers are also that close.

Levon Underground Museum

19. Family is very important

In Armenia, it is normal for children to stay until they get married and sometimes even continue living with their parents.

Family is very important in Armenia and they are very close.

20. Saint Sarkis – Armenian Valentine's Day

Saint Sarkis is the saint most loved by Armenians and has become the saint of youth and love.

The date changes every year, depending on Easter and can be between January 11 and February 15.

The festival is preceded by what they call an Adelante, which is a 5-day fast approved by Saint Gregory the Illuminator.

A curiosity is that single people, the night before Saint Sarkis Day, eat a salty pancake without drinking anything, then They wait for the revelation in dreams of who their partner will be.

Besides, On the day of the celebration of Saint Sarkis there are religious rituals and lovers give each other cards, flowers and sweets.

21. Vardavar, the water festival

Vardavar is a festival of pagan origin that people get each other wet, a bucket of water can even fall on you from a balcony while you are walking through the city.

A most refreshing event, especially if you are in the hot city of Yerevan.

The festival is associated with goddess Astghik, who was the goddess of fertility, love, beauty and of course water. This festival was to celebrate the harvests.

The celebration is in July, 14 weeks after Easter, although it may vary depending on the location.

This year (2022) it was celebrated on July 24, in 2023 it will be July 16 and in 2024 it will be July 7.

At the festival they also make traditional ceremonies with folk songs, is a very fun event for both children and adults.

22. Fountains in the city in summer


In Yerevan, like other countries in the Caucasus, it is normal for squares to have fountains that are used as an area for children to cool off and have fun.

It is completely understandable with summer temperatures that can reach 40°C.

Right off the bat it may seem like something that people have taken the initiative.

However, in this square pictured in Yerevan, the fountain area is clearly decorated with sculptures of children that transform into a fountain in the afternoon when they are lit.

Below I left you a video from these sources, in the playlist it is the first (point 25). You'll see how fun it is! 😄💦

23. Pulpulak

The pulpulak Are the drinking fountains around the city and are an important part of local culture.

Its name comes from the word pul-pul in Armenian for the murmur of water and means "water source."

They began to be built in 1920. and later they became popular to this day that they even function as a meeting point.

You will find them all over Yerevan and the pulpulak The most famous is the Plaza de la República. Some of them are commemorative and people give their blessing as they pass, to the person they commemorate.

These fonts are so famous that Nas Daily made a video about it when he was in Armenia, you can see the video below (point 25) in the playlist it is the second one.

Yerevan's largest and most famous pulpulak on Republic Square

In case you can't find these sources, you can download a curious application with their name, pulpulak, to locate them, although it is only available for iOS.

Those of us who have Android can settle with your website which shows all the drinking fountains throughout the country and some with photos.

If you want to drink like the locals, it's a quick thing because the water is running, You just walk up, drink for a few seconds, and go about your business.

24. Chess

The best chess players in the world are Armenians, that is because they take chess very seriously, to the point that it is a mandatory subject in schools.

The chess It began to be played in Armenia in the Middle Ages and popularized during the Soviet era, which reached a great moment of recognition In 1960 with Tigran Petrosian who became the World Chess Champion.

Armenians have achieved several titles in chess, including three Chess Olympiads in 2006, 2008 and 2012.

chess yerevan
Chess in Charles Aznavour Square

25. Armenian music

One of the most famous musical pieces in Armenia is the Saber Dance, final act of the Gayaneh ballet, composed by Aram Khachaturian in 1942.

This piece has been used in many movies, video games, series like Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and some cartoons like The Simpsons and SpongeBob SquarePants.

Below I leave you a playlist with a video with this song, leave me a comment below if this lively music sounds familiar to you. 😉

As its name indicates, it is the musical performance of an Armenian sword dance and in the central part it includes traditional Armenian music.

YouTube video

26. Celebrities of Armenian origin

Some of the famous people who have Armenian origin although they were born outside the country are:

  • The Kardashians, that his great-great-grandparents were the ones who emigrated to the United States;
  • Andre Agassi The former professional tennis player is called Andre Kirk Agassian and his paternal family is Armenian;
  • Cher He is of Armenian descent through his father;
  • System of Down, The members of this American band are of Armenian origin, composed of Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian, Shavo Odadjian and John Dolmayan.

27. Apricots

The scientific name of the apricot is Prunus armeniaca due to its origin in Armenian lands.

In case you go to Armenia to early summer Don't miss trying them, I assure you it is the most delicious and sweet fruit that you have eaten.

Thanks to the local soils and climate, they are different from any other apricot, at least the ones I have tried.

The orange color of the Armenian flag, according to one theory, is due to its apricots.

apricots - curiosities of Armenia
Put with cherries and apricots

28. Grenades

This fruit is a symbol of the nation and you can find it represented in paintings and decorative ceramic pieces.

It is also a popular fruit in cooking and for preparing delicious pomegranate juice.

😋 Fact: If you visit Echmiadzin, be sure to go to the restaurant to eat Agape Refectory near the cathedral.

It's a restaurant from the 17th century that its star dish is meats marinated in a delicious pomegranate sauce, which gives the meat a very good texture and flavor.

😍 You can read more about Echmiadzin and the restaurant in this article about What to see in Armenia: 7 essentials from Yerevan, 1 day visits.

29. Armenian Lavash

Armenian lavash is a thin, soft bread made from flour, water and salt baked in underground ovens.

Something that draws a lot of attention is that this bread can last up to 1 year without being damaged.

In the region there are several countries that make similar breads and it is unknown with certainty whether the origin was in Armenia or Iran.

In 2014 the Armenian lavash was inscribed in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO.

This was something that its neighbors (Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey) did not like too much, which were finally added in 2016 with their respective breads.

In the playlist I left above, if you continue watching the videos, you will find some about making Lavash from the excursion I went on.

👉 If you want to see how this labor-intensive bread is made, some excursions like this one to Garni Temple and Geghard Monastery includes a stop to watch its preparation and baking.

30. Armenian wine

In Armenia they have a great tradition in wine production and it is one of the oldest towns to produce it.

In archaeological excavations in a cave in the village Vayots Dzor, remains of the vessels where the traditional 6000 year old fermentation.

Throughout the city of Yerevan you will find endless little bars to try their delicious wines.

You can also make a Armenia wine tour, like this one in the link that tells you about their ancient tradition of making wine, a visit to the winery and a tasting of 4 wines. 🥂

Market in Yerevan

31. The best Brandy

Armenia produces one of the best brandies in the world, the ArArAt and it is a national pride that they call cognac.

Although it should be noted that cognac is the brandy that is produced in the French region of Cognac.

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill asked for 400 bottles to be sent to him every year because it was his favorite drink.

When Churchill was old he declared that his secrets to longevity were: "do not play sports, smoke cigars and drink Armenian brandy«. Some health tips! 😅

Final Thoughts

These are some of the curiosities of Armenia, a charming country that surprises travelers with its ancient culture, beautiful landscapes and hospitality of its people who always welcome you with a smile.

Which of these curiosities surprised you the most?

More about Armenia and the Caucasus

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