Soviet architecture in Tbilisi: 16 best buildings and mosaics

Updated: December 31, 2023

Guide to the best buildings of Soviet architecture in Tbilisi, mosaics and bas-reliefs, with their location and current state.

Georgia belonged to the USSR during 69 long years that left an indelible mark on the country, along with many brutalist and modernist Soviet buildings, as well as beautiful mosaics and bas-reliefs.

But Russian influence is not limited to those 69 years, because Georgia was also part of the Russian Empire since 1801.

In the article I tell you about the best places of Soviet architecture and mosaics. Then, at the end of the article I include others that at least I did not find so attractive or that no longer have as much value.

Although I think the first site is the most impressive of all, the rest are not in order of importance or value, but are listed as I have visited them, because It is an article that has taken me almost a year to complete.. 😅

There is little information on the Internet about these sites and their current status. Even some places I wanted to visit have already collapsed.


I gave each of the places a rating that ranges between 1 and 5, where 1 is "don't waste your time" and 5 "it's a gem."

For the assessment I have based it on how interesting the place is from the point of view architectural, beauty and how well preserved it is.

Of course, it is a completely subjective assessment, but I will explain a little so you can get an idea of what you are going to find.

At the end of the article, as always, I leave you a map with all the places marked.

In case you don't have time to read the entire article, I recommend this one urbex and soviet tour of Tbilisi, look at her availability and reservation here.

Best buildings of Soviet Architecture in Tbilisi

1.- Palace of Rituals

The Palace of Rituals is one of the most spectacular buildings in Tbilisi and all of Georgia. If you like architecture or at least Soviet architecture, you can't miss going to see it.

This building was built for the wedding celebration and is classified as Soviet modernism, that is, a style after brutalism.

Soviet modernism is characterized by more elegant lines reminiscent of the style of the French architect Le Corbusier.


One of the most remarkable things about the Palace of Rituals are the two volumes on each side, which are the spaces dedicated to each member of the couple.

On the bride's side there is also an area where baptisms are performed.

The building is a perfectly preserved private property and cannot be entered, but they have recently started offering tours for its visit that cost 100 lari (36.26 euros).

I found the best views of the building from the road that passes in front and the bridge that is nearby.

👍 Fun fact: As the main function of the Palace of Rituals is the union between man and woman, at the entrance they placed a sculpture of Hermaphroditus, son of Aphrodite and Hermes, who, as his name indicates, was a hermaphrodite.

  • Assessment: 5
  • Construction year: 1985
  • Architect: Victor Jordenadze
  • You can enter: No

2. Georgia Chronicles


The Chronicles of Georgia monument is quite peculiar and rarely visited by tourists, but highly appreciated by locals.

In the Chronicles of Georgia it is told in detail the history of the country with the low reliefs that are captured in 16 columns between 30 and 35 m high.

This brutalist monument It was never finished, however, its location in what top of the mountain overlooking the Tbilisi Sea It gives it a certain solemnity.

  • Assessment: 4
  • Construction year: 1985
  • Sculptor: Zurab Tsereteli
  • Can visit: Yeah
  • Admission: free

3.- Stalin's clandestine underground printing press

I have to clarify that I have cheated a little with this point. 😅


In reality it is not a building of Soviet architecture. Although, I thought it appropriate to include it because it is one of the most interesting places related to Stalin and the beginnings of the USSR.

The building itself is a typical Georgian house, very similar to the house where Stalin grew up, which is next to the Museum in Gori.

In this house, in the basement, Stalin had a clandestine printing press, there are also rooms with his belongings and another museum area with many objects, letters and newspapers from the time.

Soviet clandestine printing press Tbilisi
  • Assessment: 5
  • Years of operation of the printing press: between 1903 and 1906
  • Can visit: Yeah
  • Entry Fee:: 10 lari (3.63 euros)

⭐ In this article you can read more about the Visit to Gori and Uplistsikhe from Tbilisi

4.- Isani metro and mosaic

The Isani metro station is a quite beautiful example of Soviet architecture with its shape that reminds me of a stingray moving its fins gracefully.

Isani metro station

The truth is that I have no more information about this Soviet modernist building.

From the inside there is nothing remarkable, except a fabulous mosaic of King Vakhtang on the upper floor.

👉 Fact: Keep in mind that inside the subway they will tell you that you cannot take photos, if you take one with your cell phone it will go unnoticed, but if you have a reflex camera or one that looks minimally professional, they will not let you.

  • Assessment: 5
  • Construction year: 1971
  • Architect: N.Lomidze
  • You can enter: Yeah

5.- Cable car station near Lake Lisi

The vast majority of modern transportation in Tbilisi and Georgia was built during the Soviet period and cable cars are no exception.


Near Lake Lisi is this abandoned soviet modernist style station, which does not seem to have been operational.

If you like the urbex it can be an interesting visit, although inside there is not much to see, more than anything it is the exterior with its fabulous staircase.

  • Assessment: 4
  • Construction year: 1978
  • Architect: Gera Khechinashvili, Gia Nadiradze;
  • You can enter: Yeah

6.- Skybridge Building

The Skybridge is a set of three very unique residential buildings that are connected by a bridge on the 10th floor.

Right off the bat the bridge may sound somewhat ridiculous, but you have to keep in mind that the buildings were built next to the mountainside.


So, The bridge gives direct access to the street that is in the mountain.

This is one of the most notable examples of Soviet architecture in the city, even appears in an advertisement for the country's most famous mineral water, Borjomi.

You can see it in this video below, during the first seconds you can see the protagonist on the bridge.

YouTube video

The buildings have advantages with a style very characteristic of Soviet housing of the time and you will find more similar buildings in the area.

Another thing that surprised me is that the buildings look unfinished because they do not have any type of embellishment on the facades, but rather it is simply the plastering.

This is quite common in Georgia, I suppose it is a way of prioritizing and using money on things that are more functional than decorative.

soviet building in tiflis
  • Assessment: 5
  • Construction year: between 1974 and 1976 
  • Architect: Otar Kalandarishvili, Gizo Potskhishvili 
  • You can enter: to the bridge yes

⭐ You may also be interested in this other article about What to see in Borjomi: 11 essentials

7.- Old building of the Institute of Geophysics

This is a quite peculiar building which unfortunately is abandoned and completely fenced.

I had hoped to do some urbex, but I couldn't find anywhere to sneak in.

Former building of the Institute of Geophysics
  • Assessment: 3,5
  • Construction year: 1958
  • Architect: B. Urushadze 
  • You can enter: No

8.- Old Archaeological Museum

Tbilisi archaeological museum

The ancient Tbilisi Archaeological Museum on a hilltop has a distinct Brutalist style.

At this time you cannot enter; However, the shape of the building with its entrance reminiscent of a cave and the enormous bas-relief on the façade They make it one of the city's icons in terms of Soviet buildings.

facade archaeological museum soviet architecture
  • Assessment: 4
  • Construction year: 1980
  • Architect:Sh. Kavlashvili, Sh. Gvanceladze.
  • You can enter: No

9.- Sculpture of Saint Nino

Right next to the old Museum of Archeology from the previous point there is a fabulous soviet modernist style sculpture of Saint Nino, who introduced Christianity to Georgia.

soviet sculpture tiflis

Maybe it's not worth going exclusively for the sculpture, I took the opportunity to see it because it is right next to the museum.

By the way, if you want to take a good photo, the best place is from the road that passes in front, from below.

  • Assessment: 3,5
  • Construction year: 1988
  • Architect: Zurab Tsaretelli

10.- Former Ministry of Highways

The former Ministry of Highways (Ministry of Automobile Roads) is a building that is still in operation, but today serves as the headquarters of the Bank of Georgia.

Former Soviet Ministry of Highways building

This building, with its 18 floors, is one of the most emblematic of the city, with its unique shape reminiscent of the Jenga board game, but with even longer arms that give the sensation of greater instability.

  • Assessment: 4,5
  • Construction year: 1976
  • Architects: Giorgi Chakhava, Zurab Jalaghania, Teimuraz Tkhilava, Alexandr Kimberg 
  • You can enter: You can ask to pass, but it will depend on whether the guard likes you. I honestly didn't try, but apparently there is an exhibition on the ground floor above the building.

Best Soviet Mosaics of Tbilisi

1.- Mosaic in the Union Cultural Center

Soviet mosaics are a true gem of artisanal work.


One of the most beautiful and largest mosaics of Tbilisi is on the façade, crowning the Trade Union Cultural Center building.

The name of the mosaic is “The Human Being, The Work – Purpose and Beauty of Existence” and it has mythological representations with a person in the center with his arms extended towards the sun.

  • Assessment: 4,5
  • Construction year: 1968-69
  • Artist: Zurab Tsereteli

2.- Mosaic in the Cookie Factory

mosaic cookie shop tiflis

In Soviet times it was common for shops, factories and offices to have decorations with mosaics related to their functions.

I suppose this cookie factory is where a winery used to be, because they have a Decorative mosaic with representations of wine making.

I don't have more information about it, but if you want to see it when you enter the part of the store, you will see it on the left wall.

cookie factory in tiflis

😋 Delicious fact: The cookie factory is impossible to miss because it has an exquisite aroma. If you like cookies, be sure to try them, they have a lot of variety.

  • Assessment: 3
  • You can enter: Yeah

3.- Mosaics in the Fire Station


In the Tbilisi Fire Station there are several mosaics, the most beautiful are the four on the façade made with tiny pieces, with representations of the fire service.

Then, On the side of the building there is another one made of tiles.

Also, apparently inside there is another mosaic of small pieces, but I don't know if you can enter, I found out about this mosaic after having gone.

  • Assessment: 3,5
  • Construction year: 1977-78
  • Artist: Givi Kervalishvili

4.- Mosaic in the Technical University subway

On the Technical University subway platform there is two large mosaics, one on each side of the platform just above the entrance.

mosaic metro technical university

Unfortunately, I couldn't take good photos of it, because the day I went with the SLR camera and tripod, security asked me to leave. 😅

This was when I found out that you cannot take photos, I recommend that you go discreetly otherwise you will end up like me.

The mosaics are worthy of admiration with their representations of Georgian life.

  • Assessment: 4
  • Construction year: 1978 and 1979
  • Artists: Iden Tabidze, Radish Tordia, Apolon Kharebeva, Tamaz Tskhomelidze
  • You can enter: yes, you have to pay 1 lari to enter the metro

5. Old House of Political Education

Another of the most striking mosaics It is the one on the façade of the Old House of Political Education.

It's about a Huge, colorful 2 x 42 m mosaic in low relief with an abstract design.

  • Assessment: 4
  • Construction year: 1978
  • Artists: Zurab Tsereteli 

6.- Laguna Vera water park and mosaic

The Laguna Vera water park is abandoned, but it belongs to the Lexus mechanical workshop, where you will see many high-end cars parked.

Vera Lagoon in Tbilisi

As it is a private property, at the entrance there is a "do not enter" sign from where you can see the pool area, with stairs and a large metal slide typical of the 70s, but everything is in very bad condition.

In addition, the place is inhabited by a colony of stray dogs.

Since it is in such bad condition, I did not put this building up in the Soviet buildings section, but there is something that is worth it, it is the immense mosaic that is on the façade.

abandoned water park Tbilisi
  • Assessment: 3,5
  • Construction year: 1978

Other Soviet buildings

In Tbilisi there are many Soviet buildings, but in general they are not as striking as the ones above.

Tbilisi Auditorium

I leave you a list of others, in case you want to go take a look:

  1. The Audience (Tbilisi Concert Hall) from 1971, is still in operation, but inside it is not very different from other auditoriums.
  2. The other metro stops, for example at the metro Rustaveli which dates back to 1966, the most interesting thing is the low relief on the façade.
  3. Train station Square Station which began to be built in 1978, from my point of view it is quite ugly.
  4. The Chess Palace In Vera Park, the most relevant thing is the facade, but it is only worth it if you have a lot of time. It is a building from 1966 that is still in use.
  5. Old cable car station to Mtatsminda from 1966, it never came into operation. The station inside is beautiful with a beautiful staircase, but it can no longer be accessed because it is fenced.
  6. The Sports Palace from 1961 with its dome and arches on the façade.
  7. The old one Conference room of the Industrial Technical College Built in 1976, it is an abandoned building in very poor condition. Although the brutalist building is visible, the imposing bas-relief on the façade was no longer there when I visited in March 2023.
  8. The Technical Library, this building from 1985, closed its doors not too long ago and you can't enter, but from the outside it looks in pretty bad condition. However, it is quite curious.
Tbilisi sports palace
Tbilisi Sports Palace

Map of Soviet architecture in Tbilisi

* To check the legend for each place, click the button in the top left corner of the map. To view this map on your phone or computer, tap the star on the right side of the title. Then go to Google Maps, select "Your Places" and "Maps" from the menu.

Final Thoughts

The Soviet architecture in Tbilisi is truly fascinating and you will find many places to visit and take photos.

If you have little time and want to go to the most beautiful and interesting places, I recommend this urbex and soviet tour through the city of Tbilisi, because they are quite far from each other.

In addition, it has the advantage that the guide will explain a lot of details to you.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment below and I'll help you as much as I can. If you found the article useful, share it with other travelers. Have a good trip! 😘

More about Urbex and Georgia's Soviet past

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