7 Best Koh Tao Beaches for Snorkeling

Updated: February 14, 2024

Guide with the best beaches on Koh Tao for snorkelling, how to get there, prices, what to see and many tips.

The small turtle island, which is the Thai meaning of Koh Tao, stands out in Thailand and worldwide for its seabed, which is why it is one of the most popular places to get diving qualifications.

The good news is that Koh Tao also has several beaches where you can enjoy snorkeling with harmless reef sharks, huge turtles, spotted rays, titan triggerfish and endless colorful reef fish.

In this article I tell you what are the best snorkelling spots in Koh Tao, all based on my experience of living on the island for 6 months when I fully explored it. 🥰

If you don't have time to read the whole article, here you can reserve the best Koh Tao snorkeling tour by boat, with stops at many of the places I mention. Plus, it's super cheap! 🤿

7 Best Snorkeling Sites in Koh Tao

1. Shark Bay

Shark Bay in Koh Tao is the best place for snorkeling because it is where sharks are most easily seen blacktip and sea turtles.


Don't worry about the sharks, they are harmless, at least no cases of attack have ever been recorded on Koh Tao.

If you want to see the sharks, the best time is early in the morning and if not sometimes in the late afternoon, because these animals prefer colder water.

On the other hand, turtles usually come to the bay to eat. From 16 hours.

The marine fauna of this bay is very varied, you can also find rays, porcupine fish and dragon fish.

Dragon fish in Shark Bay

To get to the bay you can do it from any of its 2 beaches:

  • From Haad Tien Beach which is one of the most beautiful in Thailand, but you have to go through the resort of the same name that charges 200 bahts, which includes the use of the bathroom and WiFi.
  • From the beach on the side which is free, you pass a wooded area and then go down some stairs. However, I recommend you be careful if you leave your things, there have been cases of theft.

🤿 In this other article Shark Bay on Koh Tao: the best snorkelling site You can read more details and tips to find the turtles and sharks.

2. Koh Nang Yuan – Japanese Garden


The Japanese garden is one of the most colorful snorkelling spots thanks to the variety of corals reminiscent of a Japanese garden, hence its name.

Thanks to this abundance of corals, the marine fauna is also very prolific. You will be able to see different types of reef fish, blacktip sharks and large titan triggerfish.

This snorkeling area is located on the small islands in front of Koh Tao, in Koh NangYuan They are private islands of the Lomprayah ferry company, so entry for foreigners costs 200 baht.

The island has three beaches, although two of them are almost unswimable at low tide. The other beach is where the Japanese garden is, it is the one on the right when you leave the pier.

Japanese garden
Japanese garden

How to Get There

To get to these islands you have several options:

  1. Hire a long-boat that you can negotiate the price directly with the boatman (they asked me 2,000 baht for the round trip).
  2. go with one snorkelling excursion around Koh Tao and Koh Nang, with several stops and is very cheap.

3. Tanote bay

Tanote Bay is one of the most beautiful on Koh Tao, with an impressive seabed that, a short distance from the shore, is quite deep that can reach 18 m, especially next to the large rock in the central area of the bay.

Tanote beach and rock where you can jump from when the tide is high

During high tide, you can also climb on the rock to jump from there into the sea.

Here you can see hawksbill turtles (smaller than Shark Bay) and reef sharks, although they are not as easy to find as in Shark Bay.

You can also see other fish such as: rabbit fish, moray eels, puffer fish and many more.

On the other hand, the steep ups and downs on the road before arriving, not suitable for people with little experience driving a motorcycle, mean that this beach on Koh Tao is not one of the busiest despite its beauty.

The light on the sea in the morning is very good in Tanote

4. Aow Leuk

Aow Leuk Bay has a rich coral reef at its bottom, a perfect habitat for colorful reef fish.

baby shark in koh tao
Baby shark on the shore

There you can see parrot fish, some spotted rays, depending on the season baby sharks (about 50 cm long) swimming on the shore and if you look closely you will find nudibranchs.

It is a large beach that could be perfect for spending the day, although unfortunately when I went the sand was very dirty.

Although in Thailand the beaches are public, there is a bar there that charges you 100 bahts to spend, they give you water and a sun lounger that was all dilapidated and the ants didn't stop climbing.

👍 Friend's tip: If you want to save paying, walk to the right passing near the bungalows without entering the bar area.

reef sharks in Thailand
More baby reef sharks

5. June Juea beach (Sunset beach)

June Juea beach is a small, slightly hidden and quiet beach, also known as sunset beach because it is one of the best beaches in Koh Tao to watch the sun set into the sea.


The beach has quite a few corals on the right side and there are schools of large fish.

Although in general terms it is not one of the best places for snorkeling, it is on this list because it is one of the turtles' favorite afternoon stops, it is ideal to go after 4 p.m.

Finding them is not so easy because although the beach is small, the area they are eating is larger, but if you are patient you will see them.

I recommend you pay attention to people who are snorkeling, normally when they see one, they surround it above the water... this is something that I don't like too much, I just hope they don't get too stressed.

Keep in mind that unlike other beaches It is not inside a bay and is more exposedSo check the weather conditions before you go.


6. Freedom beach

Freedom beach is one of the most beautiful and quiet Koh Tao beaches, although it can get quite crowded in the afternoon.

Marine life is abundant, even with shallow depth very close to the shore, where you can see schools of reef fish.

The most beautiful area for snorkelling is towards the side of Buddha Rock, that is, if you are facing the sea you have to swim to the left side.

To enter the cape where freedom beach is you have to pay 100 baht, but I have to say that this beach is worth it. With payment they give you a bottle of water, a lounge chair and you can use a kayak (I think it was half an hour).


Furthermore, with the same payment you can visit the small Taa Toh Lagoon beach which is a little before Freedom beach and the John Suwan viewpoint which has 360º views, you can see the bay of Chalok and Sharks.

👍 The John-Suwan viewpoint is one of the things I recommend in this guide on What to do in Koh Tao: 11 best plans – 2023

7. Mango beach

Mango Bay is one of the Most popular spots on Koh Tao in the north of the island, for its turquoise water and prolific seabed on both sides of the bay.

There you can see damselfishes that usually hide among the anemones, barracudas and if you are lucky some seahorse.

corals in koh tao

How to Get There

Road access to Mango beach is a bit complicated and I don't recommend it unless you are a very experienced driver. Although you can get there by motorcycle, it is best to go with a 4×4.

A section of the road passes through private property and you will have to pay 100 baht.

That is why the most practical way to go is by hiring a long-tail boat or with an excursion.


Koh Tao Snorkeling Map

On the map you can see each of the beaches, including the free access beach to Shark bay and the John-Suwan viewing point.

* To check the legend for each place, click the button in the top left corner of the map. To view this map on your phone or computer, tap the star on the right side of the title. Then go to Google Maps, select "Your Places" and "Maps" from the menu.

How much does it cost?

Snorkeling is free, you will only need your snorkelling kit which you can rent from 100 baht per day in several places on the island, especially in Sairee.

Another option is to buy a kit (starting at about 250 baht).

Although it is better if you at least bring the glasses with you, because in Koh Tao they are usually more expensive than in other places and the ones available for reasonable prices are of very poor quality (water gets into the glasses and they come off easily).

How to get to the snorkeling spots?

Some snorkeling spots on Koh Tao you will have to go by boat, but most can be reached by road. As there is no public transportation on the island you have several options:

  • Rent a motorcycle: It is the most practical and very economical way, even much cheaper than renting a bike.
  • Taxi: Negotiate with a taxi driver or someone with a motorcycle to take you.
  • Vans from your accommodation: It depends on where you are staying, some places have free vans to take you to other points on the island, usually from other beaches to Sairee.
  • Walk: If your goal is to go enjoy the beaches and snorkel, it is best to stay in a hotel near the most interesting spots for snorkeling and walk from there. The island is very small and you can reach most of the southern beaches quickly; However, keep in mind that to reach some there may be a lot of unevenness, the worst is Tanote Bay which has some "leg-breaking" ups and downs.
  • Bike: If you are used to mountain biking it may be a good idea, because you will find steep climbs and descents. To rent a bike there are few places and it is more expensive than the daily rental of a motorcycle, I found a bike rental place on the main street that goes towards Mae Haad.
  • Excursion: If you are not going to drive, the most practical way to visit most of the beaches and bays on the list is with an excursion, I recommend this is the link What did I recommend before to go? Koh Nang Yuan, includes stops at Mango bay, Shark bay and other places. The best thing is the price, It is very cheap for how much fun you will have.
  • Beach tour: another option is this 4×4 beach tour which includes lunch and is with guide in Spanish.

What is the best time to go snorkelling in Koh Tao?

On Koh Tao the seasons could be divided into 3:

  • Hot and dry: from February to May
  • Hot and windy: From May to October
  • Wet: from October to February

The worst months for snorkeling are October and November due to the state of the sea, there can be a lot of waves depending on the day.

To give you an idea, sometimes They cancel boat departures for another day, imagine what the sea has to be like for that to happen, that's why snorkeling is impossible.

On the other hand, the Best months for snorkeling in Koh Tao are from July to September because that's when there is more visibility.

When do you see whale sharks in Koh Tao?

However, Most whale shark sightings are during months with low visibility (March and April, then October to December) because that is when they have food.

But I have to warn you, whale sharks are not easy to see, it is a matter of luck and snorkeling on the beaches you are unlikely to see one.

In theory, one of the snorkelling spots where you can see whale sharks is in shark island, a rock to the southeast between Shark bay and Aow Leuk, you can reach it with a kayak.

You may wonder why I didn't include it on the list, well it's easy, because in my experience searching for whale sharks it was not what I expected. 😕

During the time when whale sharks are seen, the sea outside the bays is rougher.

In my case, when I arrived at Shark Island I couldn't even get out of the kayak because the sea conditions were not good and the kayak return to the beach was quite complicated. Therefore, I do not recommend it.

Of course, kayaking to Shark Island at other times is very good.

In conclusion, if you want to see whale sharks you have more chances if you do some scuba diving that in Koh Tao come at a good price, like this one in the link that includes 2 dives, the team and guide in Spanish.

Safety and responsible tourism tips

If you do not have experience snorkeling, I will tell you some safety tips from my point of view as an open water swimmer.

On the other hand, it is also important to be aware of the impact we cause on marine life when snorkeling, I will explain how we can reduce it.

  1. Protect your skin: use sunscreen, if possible any reef safe like this one in the link, which does not affect corals. Otherwise, wear sun-protective clothing such as surf shirts and leggings.
  2. Wear a life jacket If you don't know how to swim well, it is for your safety and it will help you not get so tired.
  3. Use the complete snorkeling kit: Currents in the sea can be very deceptive and are one of the main reasons for drowning, which is why fins are essential.
  4. Carry a dry backpack: a dry backpack like the one in the link, it is very practical if you are going to snorkel for a long time, because you can put your things and you will avoid any theft. If you go away from the coast, the dry backpack will help you so that the boats can see you.
  5. Stay alert for boats: boats, jet skis and boards are one of the biggest dangers when you are in the water, so you should stay alert and don't get too close to them. If you are going to snorkel outside the usual swimming area, for safety you must carry a buoy or a dry backpack so they can see you.
  6. Do not touch anything for your sake and that of marine life.
  7. Keep your distance from marine wildlife: firstly to avoid stressing the animals and also, some, although they may seem harmless, may have aggressive behavior, especially with their offspring during the breeding season. On the other hand, other fish may leave when you approach and leave the babies unprotected from predators.
  8. Don't feed the fish: Avoid feeding fish, turtles and other marine fauna, because doing so has a great negative impact on the entire marine ecosystem, by unbalancing it.
  9. Avoid taking souvenirs: corals and seashells belong to the sea and have a cycle there, transforming into sand, nutrients or protection for invertebrates, so avoid taking anything from the sea or the beach.
  10. Don't buy coral souvenirs that encourages the destruction of the seabed. When money is involved, traders tend to be less scrupulous.
  11. Don't leave trash: If you can't find a trash can on the beach, let everything that goes with you, come back to you. This is the first step to have clean beaches and not be part of the problem.
  12. Collecting garbage: When you find trash, if you can, pick it up, it's a good way to contribute to keeping the sea clean. Even if it is not our garbage, if when we go to the beach we pick up something that is already there, it is a way of be part of the solution.
safety and responsible tourism when snorkeling

Where to stay in Koh Tao?

If on your trip to Isla Tortuga you are looking for tranquility, enjoying paradisiacal beaches and practicing snorkelling, I recommend the Haad Tien beach resort Koh Tao which will give you free access to the most beautiful beach in Thailand and you will be a few steps from Shark Bay.

In case you are looking for something cheaper, I recommend the Taatoh Seaview Resort which is next to the bay, with sea views and delicious breakfasts.

Without a doubt, the best accommodation in terms of quality and price if your goal is to snorkel.

On the other hand, if you prefer to be in the center of the island, near the port, with accessibility to the entire island and close to the party area, I recommend that you look for accommodation in Sairee, such as Aiya Resort Koh Tao which is cheap and close to the beach.

Final Thoughts

These are the best beaches on Koh Tao for snorkelling and enjoy swimming with turtles, sharks and a rich marine life that will leave you speechless.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment below and if you found the article useful, share it with other fellow travelers. 😘

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