What to see in Borjomi: 11 essentials

Updated: April 3, 2024

All the best places to see in Borjomi, a charming town a short distance from Tbilisi not to be missed.

Borjomi, also known as Bordzhomi is a town and resort located in the central part of Georgia, in a valley, just 160 km from Tblisi.

This small town It is famous for its waters that flow in 150 places along the valley.

Saline, carbonated and thermal water has been scientifically studied since 1890 and its beneficial properties for the body are certified.

The springs were discovered by the Russian army in 1820.


Today there is a bottling plant next to the Borjomi railway station, it is Georgians' favorite water and is exported to several countries, including Spain, with several Asian and European awards.

However, the benefits of thermal waters were already used in the 15th century.

Although they became popular when the daughter of the viceroy of the Russian tsar in the Caucasus traveled to Borjomi for her illness and found a cure there.

In Soviet times, Its spas and sanatoriums were one of the favorite destinations among those who sought well-being and relaxation, where the composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and the Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy passed by.

In addition, it is an area of nature with a lot of charm and picturesque corners to visit, I tell you about it in this article.

Below you will find the Google map with all the places marked.

If you don't have time to read the entire article, this is the best tour to Borjomi from Tbilisi which includes the visit to Vardzia and Rabati, Reserve here.

What to see in Borjomi

1. Parque Central (blue on the map)

Central Park is next to the the Borjomula river gorge, where the valley becomes narrower with lush vegetation and is one of the most attractive areas of the town.

The park runs next to the river which makes the walk relaxing and refreshing on summer days.

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Central Park and part of the town from the cable car

These are the most interesting points of Central Park:

  1. Former bottling plant: Just at the entrance on the left side is the beautiful building from 1894 built by Mikhail Romanov, where Borjomi water was previously bottled.
  2. Spring: Beneath a striking dome with a turquoise structure is the famous spring.
  3. Soviet mosaic: Hidden behind a fast food restaurant called Mozaica, is one of the most beautiful mosaics in town, well preserved with hunting and fishing scenes.
  4. Playground: If you are traveling with children, they will love this park, there are zip lines and several attractions for children of different ages.
  5. Monument to Prometheus: In the central area of the playground and next to the waterfall (which can be dry in summer) is the curious monument to Prometheus, who was chained by Zeus to the Caucasus mountains.
  6. Forest: If you continue walking you will find a nice and quiet wooded area to walk.

To enter the park you pay a entrance fee of 5 lari (1.75 euros) and is open between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.

2. Borjomi Springs

Properties and benefits of Borjomi water

There are two springs in the town. from which you can drink its water to try its benefits, which they say is digestive, helps balance the body's Ph, among other properties.

The first spring is inside Central Park, where the metal structure is, right where the dome is (it is the one I mentioned in the previous point).

You will need to bring something like a glass or a bottle and there a lady will fill it for you with Borjomi water.

I have to warn you that the water that comes out of the springs has a saline, mineral and sulfur taste that many people don't like him.

The water is much more intense in flavor and less carbonated than what is sold in bottles.

Besides, the water in the park spring is warm, this helps make it not so appetizing.

Dome in Central Park

Therefore, I recommend you go to the other spring, it is before reaching the park and you will find it easily because there are always people queuing (I also leave it marked on the map).

Next to the spring, there are little shops where you can buy bottles or glasses and you can refill them yourself.

The water in this spring has a strong flavor, but being cooler it is more pleasant.

If you give it a chance and continue drinking, you won't notice the strong flavor as much.

3. Thermal baths

Nowadays there are several hotels in Borjomi that have a spa area with its thermal waters. However, the Soviet-era sanatoriums were abandoned and the vast majority demolished.

In the 19th century, thermal baths were built for the Russian royal family, they are the Sulfur Pools and they continue to operate to this day.

Visit the sulfur baths They are one of the best things to do in Borjomi, they are in the middle of the forest and are outdoor pools with a temperature between 32 and 38 degrees.

Access costs 5 lari (1.75 euros) and is open between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m. There they have changing rooms and showers.

The way to get there is by crossing the Central Park, it is a quiet, easy and beautiful walk of about 4 km.

Another alternative is to take a taxi that goes along the mountain to the Tsar's baths.

4. Cable car

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Departure of the cable car next to the Central Park

The cable car next to the park entrance will give you one of the best aerial views of the park and the people for 10 lari (3.50 euros) each way.

Once at the top there is not much to do, you will find a bar and a couple of restaurants specializing in barbecues, there is also a forest area to walk around.

Then there is a ferris wheel which you can take advantage of to have even more panoramic views of the area and costs 5 lari (1.75 euros).

To go down to the town you can do it on the cable car or walking down the path.

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Borjomi Cable Car

If you decide to walk you have to take the road and soon you will find the path on the left side that takes you inside the park near the entrance.

The walk is about 1 km and very easy, except in winter when the snow and ice can be very slippery.

⭐ If you are interested in cable cars you may like Chiatura with its Soviet cable cars.

5. Shopping in Borjomi

The town is full of small shops with woolen items, instruments and other souvenirs interesting.

It is a good place to take advantage of buying artisanal jams and honeys from a stall.

Riverside walk in Borjomi

6. Soviet mosaics (green on the map)

You can find Soviet mosaics distributed throughout Georgia, although they are becoming fewer every day, partly due to desire. make the Soviet footprint disappear.


They are mosaics that generally show scenes of the place and its people.

In the city of Borjomi there are several mosaics that are almost intact, one of them is the one I mentioned in point 1 inside the Central Park.

Additionally, there are others in:

  1. Some of the most interesting are in front of the bus station, across the street, are several small ones.
  2. There is also another quite large one less than 50 m from the bus station, covers an entire wall (photo below).
  3. Then on some walls next to the river there are others, on the map mark a business that is next to it, if you keep walking you will see them right away.
  4. If you want to venture a little further next to the Romanov Palace There is a very large pond covered in mosaics, I will tell you more about the palace and the pond below in point 10.
  5. Although the most interesting and largest is the mosaic of sanatorium on the outskirts of Borjomi (photo above). The sanatorium was abandoned, but many families currently live there (I think refugees from the occupied areas), they greeted me from a window, but no one bothers because you are there taking photos.

⭐ In this other article you can read about Tskaltubo the paradise of abandoned Soviet sanatoriums.

7. Traditional buildings (purple on the map)

In the part near the river, before reaching Central Park you will find several interesting buildings.

  1. One of those that stands out with its traditional wooden balconies is the Hotel Firuza, although it is on the other side of the river and cannot be seen as much from the main street area.
  2. Then, continuing along the walk, there is the beautiful and elegant Crowne Plaza resort, worthy of a postcard.
  3. If you keep walking, a few steps away you will find the Golden Tulip, the true gem of Borjomi.
Golden Tulip Hotel

It is a boutique hotel located before reaching the entrance to Central Park with a main balcony that stands out with its engravings on the ceiling.

It was built as the residence of the Iranian consul in the 19th century, considered a unique cultural monument.

8. “Roller” bridge

Throughout the town and the Central Park you will find small bridges that cross the river, from tiny ones made of stone, to more solid metal ones, and some where couples leave their padlocks as a sign of their love.


Although the most striking of all is the one that is shaped like a curler and you can only cross if you run very fast. 🤣🤣 The children have a great time on the bridge.

Well, actually this bridge crosses to the Crowne Playa parking lot, there is a gate that is usually closed and what is said to cross to the other side cannot be done.

But that does not deter many who try to run across it daily, look in the photo how worn it is at the bottom.

9. Borjomi Kharagauli Park – hiking

Borjomi Kharagauli National Park is one of the largest protected green spaces in Georgia which occupies 85,000 hectares.

The park has beautiful mountain landscapes and lush forests with varied native fauna such as deer, wolves, brown bears and other smaller ones such as dormice and red foxes.

There are a total of 12 hiking routesThe easiest and shortest is only 3 km, but there are routes for all levels of demand and some last up to 3 days.

Borjomi Kharagauli Park
Borjomi Kharagauli Park – visitor center

The park administration office is located just 1 km from Borjomi bus station and you will need to register there before being able to visit the park, on your website you can see all the information.

Then, hiking trails start in Likiani, which is less than 4 km from the office, both places are marked on the Google map below.

10. Romanov Palace

The Romanov Palace It was built in 1895 in Likiani a few kilometers from Borjomi, as summer residence of the Russian royal family.


Initially, it was the Romanovs who came, then it became a destination appreciated by the Soviets, including Stalin of Georgian origin. Once Georgia became independent, it was the president's vacation spot.

⭐ You may also be interested in this article about Visit Gori the birthplace of Stalin and Uplistsikhe where I explain everything there is to see and how to get there.

Currently, the Tsar's palace is abandoned, although they plan to open it in the future.

If you like the adventures of urbex for explore abandoned buildings You can access it via the bridge over the river, because at the main entrance on the road side there are guards who won't let you pass (I tried, haha).

To get to the bridge you will have to go along the train tracks, the bridge is a little scary because it moves and the wood creaks as it passes, but there is an alternative exit.


I couldn't enter the building because there was a guard outside, but at least I took photos from outside because you can't see it from the road.

The palace has a large garden area, with a huge pond with mosaics. When I was there it was very dirty and the mosaics couldn't be seen, but there was someone cleaning the pond.

The garden is connected to the garden Hotel Borjomi Likani Health & Spa Center, then you can go out that way without having to cross the bridge again.

11. Kukushka, train for the nostalgic

One of the reasons many people go to Borjomi is to ride train to Bakuriani, in the kukushka.

This is a walk that you will really enjoy if you like authentic experiences with a nostalgic touch.

The word kukushka In Russian it means "little cuckoo", it is an old section of train that began to be built in 1897 to connect the mountainous areas of Bakuriani where one of the main ski resorts is located.

The connecting ground is only 37 km, but due to the difficulty of the terrain it took 4 years to finish it and today that tour takes 2:30 hours.

If you have patience and time to make this journey by train, you will enjoy one of the most scenic landscapes in Georgia with alpine meadows and dense forests.

The trains have been renovated, but the stations are preserved as is.

Where to eat?

In Borjomi you will find many options to eat well and at a good price.

Although, when I was there there was a place that I liked enough to recommend it, it is the Cafe Turisto (it is also marked on the map 🍴).

Turisto coffee entrance

The restaurant, from the outside, doesn't look good, but don't be afraid to enter because the Homemade Georgian food they prepare is delicious and it is quite economical.

Where to stay in Borjomi?

In Borjomi you will find hotels for all budgets and of course accommodations with spa services with their fabulous thermal waters.

Crowne Plaza Borjomi, village and ferris wheel at night

The best hotels in Borjomi What I can recommend for different budgets are:

  • Cheap: Vitali Apartment These apartments have all the comforts, including a large kitchen and are close to the park, although in high season you have to book well in advance.
  • Half: Golden Tulip Borjomi It is a gem of a building, with a good spa and fabulous breakfasts included. Without a doubt the best in terms of quality and price.
  • Luxury: Crowne Plaza Borjomi It has luxurious rooms, an excellent location and although I have put it in the luxury category compared to hotel prices in Spain, it is mid-priced.

Map of visiting Borjomi

* To check the legend for each place, click the button in the top left corner of the map. To view this map on your phone or computer, tap the star on the right side of the title. Then go to Google Maps, select "Your Places" and "Maps" from the menu.

How to go to Borjomi?

Borjomi is a good place to spend a couple of days relaxing, although if you go with the marshrutka or drive you have the possibility of going to spend the day:

  • Drive: The road to Borjomi is in good condition and is well indicated. If you like rent car I recommend this search engine, which only works with Georgian companies and the prices are the cheapest.
  • Train: There is a daily departure at 18:20 from Square Station and then from Borjomi it leaves at 5:50, it takes 4:30 hours and the price is between 1 and 4 euros.
  • Marshrutka: They leave from Didube every hour between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (same time for the return), the price is 12 lari (4.20 euros) and it takes between 2 and 2:30 p.m.
  • Excursion: another alternative is go with an excursion, usually include other destinations. The most popular excursion is the one that goes to Borjomi, Vardzia and Rabati.

Although you can visit Borjomi perfectly on your own, it is worth it to visit the other two places that are further away.

⭐ In these articles, you can read more about Rabati with all its beautiful corners where to take photos and Vardzia Rock Monastery It is quite poorly connected with public transport.

Final Thoughts

These are the best things to see in Borjomi, a very nice town to visit and spend a few days relaxing.

If you have any questions, leave me a comment below and I'll help you as much as I can. If you found the article useful, share it with other travelers. Have a good trip! 😘

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